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Barcode generation with Zend\Barcode sample usage

This example contains about How to use Barcode Component in Zend framework 2, The most important parts of using Barcode Component is the BarcodeObject that can be seen from the Barcode\ObjectPluginManager::invokableClasses

1. Barcode\ObjectPluginManager::invokableClasses property
        class ObjectPluginManager extends AbstractPluginManager
            // ...
            protected $invokableClasses = array(
                'codabar'           => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Codabar',
                'code128'           => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Code128',
                'code25'            => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Code25',
                'code25interleaved' => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Code25interleaved',
                'code39'            => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Code39',
                'ean13'             => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Ean13',
                'ean2'              => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Ean2',
                'ean5'              => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Ean5',
                'ean8'              => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Ean8',
                'error'             => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Error',
                'identcode'         => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Identcode',
                'itf14'             => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Itf14',
                'leitcode'          => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Leitcode',
                'planet'            => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Planet',
                'postnet'           => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Postnet',
                'royalmail'         => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Royalmail',
                'upca'              => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Upca',
                'upce'              => 'Zend\Barcode\Object\Upce',
            // ...
2. Then, we can consume via create our ObjectPluginManagerFactory :
        namespace LearnZF2Barcode\Factory\Service;

        use Zend\Mvc\Service\AbstractPluginManagerFactory;

        class BarcodeObjectPluginManagerFactory extends AbstractPluginManagerFactory
            const PLUGIN_MANAGER_CLASS = 'Zend\Barcode\ObjectPluginManager';
3. Register it into factories
    'service_manager' => [
        'factories' => [
            'BarcodeObjectPluginManager' => 'LearnZF2Barcode\Factory\Service\BarcodeObjectPluginManagerFactory',
3. Now, we can consume via BarcodeObjectPluginManager plugin manager


4. Generate ? Use Zend\Barcode\Barcode class.
        $barcodeOptions = array('text' => '123456789');
        $barcode = Barcode::factory('codabar', 'image', $barcodeOptions);

By the way, you can find other examples using Zend Framework 2 in our home page :)